Fashion Revolution Week is here!
April 23-29, 2018
The countdown to the most important week in my calendar is on! We are two weekends away until #FashRev week kicks off this year. Not that you need to wait to take action on your clothing habits or influencing others. But it’s a great time of the year to talk about #change with your family members, friends and workmates.
Fashion Revolution Day Aus and NZ describes why a revolution is needed perfectly:
On 24 April 2013, 1138 people were killed and over 2500 people were injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Years on, the catastrophes in our fashion supply chain continue. (On 9th October 2013 a fire in Dhaka killed at least nine.) Fashion Revolution says enough is enough.
Please mark 23–29 April 2018 in your diaries now. This is Fashion Revolution Week when industry leaders, factory workers, producers, campaigners, academics, press, consumers, cotton farmers – everyone we can think of – will come together to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the collapse, remember the victims of Rana Plaza and change our fashion future.
Fashion Revolution is an opportunity to celebrate fashion as a positive influence, raise awareness of the fashion industry’s most pressing issues and show that change is possible. It will rally the high street, the high end, the innovators, the media, the public, the activists, the makers, the wearers – and everyone in between.
2018 marks our fifth year and this year we will continue to ask, Who Made My Clothes? We want everybody to show their support for better connections and transparency across the fashion supply chain.“
Fashion Revolution encourages you to ask, Who Made My Clothes?
Najah’s Call to Action
This year, I’m supporting #FashRev by showcasing how I love, love, love my clothes to death. That I’m not afraid to be photographed in them more than once. That I will be wearing them until they give in. Why? Because they look good on me, yo!
In the lead up to Fashion Revolution Week, I will be uploading pictures of me wearing some of my faves! Hence: SAY YES TO WEARING IT TWICE! Be sure to check my Instastories at @fashinfidelity.
And just so you know, just because I can’t find photos of me in my favourite clothes, doesn’t mean I haven’t been wearing them! Let’s not forget – social media – in particular, Instagram – only came into my life up until a few years ago, and furthermore, I only discovered the hashtag #ootd very recently!
Ah, those good old days when nobody gave a hoot of what you wore and how you styled yourself. Because, mate, we got better things to do. Am I right…??????
Do you have that favourite pair of jeans, or a dress, or top or sweater that deserves a mention because they are special in your life? I’m sure you do! Come on and join me, and post photos of you in your faves. Use the hashtag #SayYesToWearingItTwice and tag me at @fashinfidelity so I can see. Come and join the Revolution!
“Buy Less, Choose Well, Make it Last”
– Vivienne Westwood
If you’re a newbie to this, please do the following:
- Go to and read up on why this movement is important. Fashion Revolution is only five years old and is already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
- Take action for YOU. Take the #haulternative challenge, which I’m supporting with #SayYesToWearingItTwice!
- Take action FOR YOUR FAVOURITE BRANDS. Send an email, or tweet to your favourite brand, and ask them this: I’m [your name] and I want to thank the people who made my [dress / jeans / top] – dear {insert favourite brand here], #whomademyclothes? Signed, [your name], [your email], [your country].
- Get involved in events near you, and if possible, donate.
Of course, if you’re in Australia or New Zealand, follow Fashion Revolution Day Aus and NZ on Facebook and Instagram to check out your local happenings.
Join us in our Slow Fashion movement with the hashtag #ConscientiousFashionista and #wardrobetruths on Instagram, and follow us at @fashinfidelity.
Tags: #fashrev #fashionrevolution #haulternative #conscientiousfashionista #fastfashion #slowfashion #ethicalfashion #ecofashion #sustainablefashion #greenfashion #sustainability #wardrobetruths #fashioneducation #fashionisnolongertrendy #fashion #wardrobetruths
This article was also published on 19 April 2018 on Ethi, a sustainable living marketplace. Check ’em out at to show your support 🙂
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