Tag: eco-friendly
The State of Sustainable Fashion in Malaysia
It’s 2023 and sustainable fashion has gone mainstream. Where are we at and where we should we be heading in this space? Let’s take a closer look. 1,629 words; 8 mins read. It’s been a bit over five years since I started FASHINFIDELITY from my grandmother’s living room in Kuala Lumpur at the start of…
Why we should be constructive about the Higg Index, not shame it
2555 words; 12 mins read While we need to set high standards for sustainability in apparel production, are we too woke-washed to realise we mostly offer criticism, but not much else? By now, everyone in fashion has heard about the class action lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York in July 2022 that accused…
What’s Eating Fashion Today? 4 Macrotrends and Industry Insights – Part 3: Technology and R&D
Part 3 of 4 895 words; 4 min read. Award-winning Memomi smart mirror. Problem no. 3: Technology and R&D If you’ve been following this series on 4 macrotrends that’s affecting fashion, you’d know by now that fashion has always had a hard time dealing with demand volatility and in today’s market, there’s extra pressures on…
What’s Eating Fashion Today? 4 Macrotrends and Industry Insights – Part 2: Radical Transparency
Part 2 of 4 Now that we’ve laid some groundwork on fashion’s supply chain management and agility to respond to a volatile market, let’s continue to highlight the other trends niggling at fashion today. This article is part of a series of deconstructing a massive global industry into areas for disruption on the road to…
Hatta Dolmat – The Malaysian Sustainable Fashion Experience
Malaysian fashion designer Hatta Dolmat’s sustainable collection showcased at KLFW 2020 last week shows a huge step forward for the local fashion industry and the country’s fight against plastic and textile waste. By Shareena Aziz 1721 words; 8 min read. The week that was Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW) has come and gone and this…
KLFW and why Sustainability is different in 2019
Oh, what a week that was! This year I was privileged to have experienced the buzz that is Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW), 21-25 August. I have been covering a few stories for Blu Inc Media recently and so when I was asked about attending a few shows, I couldn’t say no! Now in its…
A new year’s guide to creating positive impact
Now that we’re at the tail end of the ‘gifting’ season, I’d like to catch you just in time before we usher in the new year to talk about creating positive impact. 1753 words; 8 min read. Above featured photo: What we do today, will impact our children’s generation, and their children’s generation. Souce: Juliane…
What does Ethical Fashion mean?
3337 words; 16 min read … or eco, green, conscious, sustainable. Is it a little bit like GMO-free, organic, local, and fat-free in food? Bottom line is – it’s not that straightforward. And here lies our problem, because there are people out there, like you and me, who want to make the effort to support brands that…
Plastic for Fabric (yeah, it’s a thing) – Happy World Environment Day and World Oceans Day!
This year India hosts World Environment Day (WED), which takes place on June 5, 2018. “Beat Plastic Pollution”, the theme for World Environment Day 2018, urges governments, industry, communities, and individuals to come together and explore sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce the production and excessive use of single-use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging marine life…