Tag: KualaLumpur
KLFW and why Sustainability is different in 2019
Oh, what a week that was! This year I was privileged to have experienced the buzz that is Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW), 21-25 August. I have been covering a few stories for Blu Inc Media recently and so when I was asked about attending a few shows, I couldn’t say no! Now in its…
What does Ethical Fashion mean?
3337 words; 16 min read … or eco, green, conscious, sustainable. Is it a little bit like GMO-free, organic, local, and fat-free in food? Bottom line is – it’s not that straightforward. And here lies our problem, because there are people out there, like you and me, who want to make the effort to support brands that…
Fashion is fast on trends, but should move quicker on #transparency
Before #organic food became a trend, did you ever think about chemicals in your veggies? Before eggs were labelled “cage-free”, did anyone wonder about the well-being of the hens? Before cars had fuel-efficiency stickers and carbon emissions information on their windscreens at the dealership, did you consider these as a purchasing factor? Before we had fluorescent…